Islam and Christianity

Our world is on the precipice of extraordinary change. The conflict between two great world religions, Islam & Christianity, is fast approaching a devastating climax that will shake the whole world.


Plan to attend "Islam and Christianity in Prophecy". You will see the book of Daniel open before your eyes! See past, present and future! See the Bible expose current events connecting Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam and the United States.


The face of western Europe has already been transformed through rapid Islamic expansion. Fear, terror and holy war pervade the American psyche as multiple conflicts rage in the Middle East.


Hear how the Bible reveals what happens next. When will these things be? 


Pastor Tim Roosenberg presents a timely and insightful picture that connects current events to Bible prophecy, especially Daniel 11 and 12. Decades of careful study and scholarly legwork inform what you will hear over the course of ten successive evening presentations, October 5 through October 14.


Recently revised and updated, this staggering new study of Bible prophecy demonstrates that God's Word is not silent regarding Islam, Christianity and the role of the United States. Scholars may disagree, but you will want to hear this convincing (and convicting!) presentation.


Tim Roosenberg is the author of the book Islam and Christianity in Prophecy, and seminar speaker. You don't want to miss this opportunity to hear him in person! He was a pastor for many years before switching to a full time ministry as a seminar speaker. Tim is passionate about the Bible being the authority for life and teaching for Christians. He has studied prophecy for 30+ years and has discovered that following the reformers' methods of interpretation leads to the most Biblical and historically accurate understanding of Bible prophecy. This seminar is laser focused on the book of Daniel and is not exclusive to any one religion. It is something that all faiths can embrace. 


Video Introduction by Tim Roosenberg.


Hear Tim Roosenberg, live and in person. Don't miss his most current observations, October 5 through October 14 at 7:30 p.m. Nursery provided nightly.

